Tips for Hosting a Cheerful Christmas Party in a Small Space

Wednesday Dec 13th, 2023


  Living in a tiny space is a challenge in everyday life. Space becomes precious on a whole new level during the holiday season. A small home doesn’t mean you have to ditch the seasonal décor and gathering—you just have to be a little more creative with your space.  Follow these simple steps so you can still pull together a perfect party where guests will embrace the charm of your cozy space. 1. Repurpose what you have Get creative and use available space in... [read more]

Tips on How to Visually Create More Space

Friday Dec 8th, 2023


Many people think of adding square footage to create more space. But that doesn't have to be the case. You can make your home appear bigger without going through the hassle of renovating and remodeling. With just a few home modifications, it is possible to make more from less. And remember, often what the eye needs is the illusion of spaciousness not more space. Here's how to create the illusion of space without adding square footage. 1. Think of diagonal views.  Think back... [read more]



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