Turnoffs to avoid when selling

Turnoffs to avoid when selling

Wednesday Sep 04th, 2019


We all know Homebuyers are looking for something different in the house market, but the great majority of them will turn around if they notice some of these issues, take this approach as if you imagine yourself walking towards the door .  Here you have a list of things you should avoid when selling a house. 

Dogs that meet you at the door :

Dogs frighten some people and irritate some others, the same story happens to the rest of domesticated animals. Are you thinking of maybe having the dog kept in an enclosed environment such a crate, bedroom, garage, etc. , think it twice, your chances of getting a better response from the showings is to take your pet away with you if possible . would you buy a property that you can't inspect or would you feel comfortable checking up the house with a dog barking at you ?.


Yes, just as you imagined this is the top of the list issue that will scare away even the motivated buyers and to narrow it down even more , we are speaking about the Cigarettes and Pets smells. Did i mention this before ? . If you have pets, have someone who is not used to your pets to come by and check up if they notice smells and please let it be one of you closest friends so you don't get mad at them once they tell the truth. Find a way to Eradicate the smells of the house into a clean atmosphere and try to avoiding using lots of perfumes to cover up.


Dirty washrooms:

Grimy and dirty washrooms are most of the time an instant turn off, clean them up nice and have a touch up of paint on walls and boards, setup the ambiance by buying new shower curtains, some hand towels and aroma, do whatever is necessary to make them shine and comfy, if you are serious of selling the house, you will see the benefits of this extra work.

Dimly lit rooms:

  • Replace dim light fixtures.
  • Install better or more light fixtures.
  • Remove thick drapes to let the light come through.
  • Repaint with colors that will reflect and illuminate the room.
  • Trim the tree limbs that are darkening the areas of the house, but leave the ones that offer a nice shadow to your backyard.
  • Dirty and fogged windows are another turn off, make sure to clean them up nicely or if you need to, replace the panel. 

Gutters growing plants in them:

If the buyers starts wondering why they were never cleaned, then more likely will start thinking of other maintenance issues . 

Bugs and insects:

Roaches, spider (webs) , ants, etc.. any insect shouldn't be in the house, do whatever is necessary to get rid of them.

Poor curb appeal :

You must grab the buyer from the curb appeal if you really want to sell the house for top dollar. nobody wants to see peeling paint, saggy doors, wholes in the wall, messy backyards. if you can't afford the whole painting thing, well...get the yard in top shape, fix the door handles, some caulking touch up on that window sill, those little details go a long way and for sure you will see the results of the aftermath.

Sellers who hang around for showings:

Avoid to do this one as much as possible, there is nothing more awkward as a buyer, than feeling like scrutinizing into someone else's possessions. the best bet is to leave the house , so the buyer starts envisioning themselves in the house and picturing their furniture in the living room and their BBQ setup and patio seats. 

Clean the big and ugly oil stain in the garage:

You know your vehicle is one of the top necessities for living, specially if you live in the suburbs, then by having a big oil, grime stain in the middle of your garage will make your buyer to think about the maintenance of you other not so primary necessities. 

Most of these problems are home selling issues that can be fixed without spending huges amounts of money. Do them now , before putting the house in the market, you don't want to create a bad reputation for the house as " the smelly house " or " the house where the owner won't leave", this will make your property stay longer in the benches without a sale or maybe not getting the top dollar you deserve. Take this steps into practice and you will see the results of the happening.

Remember that by having a professional to work hand by hand with you, will ensure you the best outcome possible. 


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